Vancouver Fire Fighters

Ahead of the 2018 Vancouver municipal election, the Vancouver Fire Fighters approached Spotlight West to create an integrated communications strategy aimed to improve the overall awareness and issues with the union.

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our focus

In order to deliver on driving the key initiatives, the project included distributing key messages to media, promoting public safety,  amplifying their online presence, developing ad buy strategy, and improving the awareness and public support that ultimately led to increases in funding and resources.

our results

Through a strategic plan that included social media, media outreach, and Chinese community engagement, we:

  • Improved Facebook followers by 75.1%, average monthly reach by 46.7% and average engagement by 81.2%;

  • Improved the Instagram followers by 54.6%, average reach by 289.5%, and average engagement by 147.1%;

  • Conducted online contests for the Fire in Your Kitchen initiative and generated a combined engagement of 4,977 and an increase of 476 followers across Facebook and Instagram;

  • Conducted ads campaigns for: Emergency Services Response Capabilities Report, Fire in Your Kitchen initiative, Vancouver municipal election, and candidate endorsement;

  • Launched and managed the Fire Fighters’ WeChat and Weibo accounts;

  • Developed a WeChat content strategy that both promoted public safety and enhanced their engagement within the local Chinese community;

  • Garnered more than 6,000 views within one month of the initial Weibo launch;

  • Arranged media buy across three key Chinese media outlets and generated a total of 280,000 impressions;

  • Organized interview and fire hall tour by Fairchild TV to showcase behind-the-scenes of VFF, resulting in an impression of more than 90,000;

  • Conducted media training for Chinese-speaking firefighter for interviews;

  • Coordinated video shoot at fire hall for Lahoo’s anniversary gala to strengthen their reach in the local Chinese community;

  • Prepared press releases and secured coverage on CKNW, CTV, Fairchild Radio, GlobalBC, Globe & Mail, and News 1130 — resulting in more than 100,000 impressions;

  • Assisted with VFF’s participation in the  2018 Chinese New Year Parade in Chinatown with Youth Outreach Academy and Fire Chief Darrell Reid, while utilizing their social platforms to amplify the influence.